Thursday, December 17, 2009


We chatted, We talked
We roamed, We walked
but do I know you?
We played, We stayed
We gambled, we slept
but do I love you ?
We thought, We pondered
We stopped, We sauntered
but am I with you?
and the anomaly lingers
a hazy, stimulating concept you are,
and who are you?
utterly unexplored, you remain yet.

Friday, November 13, 2009


An early morning , office time and yet : I am writing blog.
May seem like office is not endearing anymore or may be , the writer is disconcerted...
but I will tell you the reason : Its Jodhpur.

In the morning hours, its my habit to go through "" and there was this page about "Rajasthan Folk Festival" in Jodhpur which ofcourse brought nostalgia and ya, an urge to write about the most wonderful city , I have got to be in, some times..

Foreigners ,whenever writing about India, or for that matter, some Rajasthani city : have an (or multiple) element (s) of divine/religious inclinations while describing those fanciful rajasthani dresses, or the lady dancing in that traditional attire on the tunes of folklore.
but whatever be their main line of writing : one can always feel that in the fastened daily lives or in the hastening professional lives, every one does indeed aspires for those serene locales, for that sun setting into deep horizon with a promise of another wonderful day , the next day.
and yes, those people do capture it with their heart.

We have been told that the true value of what you always have had is realized when you get to know it by mingling with other possibilites.
and Jodhpur's : I never had any doubt.

Be it driving on my scooter through the lanes with slow speed or be it sitting in the temple near my home in nights (or any time) can always feel that one belongs indeed here.
and add to that , availability of any thing which one may need : and boy!!! I love this city.

and it always helps (or makes one feel proud) that we do belong to that rich tradition or that we have studied in that great school of yore, that I see myself in that gray paint and white shirt as lively as ever :still : is an ebullient feeling . And knowing that no other place could ever match the Samosas, sweets prepared here : I already feel turns in my belly.

That light-exercising-guy in the video (I will give you the link later) , or that crow on the top of that historical fort or those blue-home-tops, scatterd yet united beneath the azure sky : its just great. And these thing can always let anyone know what the real Jodhpur is all about .

Well Enjoy yourself :

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I refrain from writing about you ,
for I fear, not knowing you enough .

I hesitate in praising your pictures,
as the person has been far from me so far.

Inspiration has again come up,
as I see you mirrored through it.

Can't help smiling ,
when thought of being with you, enters the intrigued head.

though it fascinates me a lot to enter them
Can't read through your eyes,
they puzzle me the most.

and the thought ,
whether you thought about me, in some moment
makes all my moments elevated and quizzed.

the scene that your locks are coming on to your eyes,
makes my brows tickle with their sense and
my eyes twinkle with their touch.

vivid are my senses,
questioned are my defences,
Help me out!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Beautiful Morning

It seldom happens that you board a tempoo for office in the morning with your friend and even before putting first foot in the tempoo, you know that the next few minutes have been made beautiful as they ever could be.

It was a regular morning , as usual, we were to catch a tempoo to reach office , a tempoo stopped and I could see a face in it so that ,I sat on the seat in front of that face while my friend hadn't noticed it (he was too involved in talking to me and besides, it was to be his first day at office!!!) he sat by their sides.

In general, if you see a beautiful face some where , you see it, you look away and you have a notion in you that she was good , but the person in front of me possessed those features that I, inspite of knowing that my eyes were on her , could not help a smile coming out of me. She too had that smile in her eyes after having seen me spread mine.
I gestured to my friend about it and he looked side ways and mesmerized is the word ,you use for a facial expression that my friend had.

and to tell you more, they were two, one was wearing a yellowish green suit and the other one a pink suit. The glow on their lovely faces is one you get to see once in a while. The one in yellow suit had in her eyes those smiling twinkles , a person could seldom take his gaze away from them. the eye brows were slightly upwards oriented making it feel as if a flawless sketch of serene beauty was drawn in front of you.

The other one seemed more reserved in herself but, don't we love calm water at times? I do.
Their facial features apart, when they were to get off the tempoo, I could look the completeness in them. Perfect features , balanced fixtures.

and for quite some time, you thank the air around you for those wonderful moments, for the beauty you saw and smiles spread across the whole ensuing day.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Whistling Updates

Hello friends
Here are some lines about a recent performance we had at 92.7 Big FM on world Music Day , It was a performance with Mr. Rabbi Shergil (Bulla Ki Jaana Fame)....

We were to reach Big FM(92.7 FM) Studio somewhere in Delhi ( It always seems as if I am gonna lost in Delhi some time so now I have stopped trying to recall the names of places),
Well we reached at time but not all human beings are aware of such things as timeliness, and it doesn't help much when the person is to depict some starry tantrums also, I am talking about Mr. Rabbi Shergil , he was to be there by 12, but when we reached studio, we were asked to ,say, sit and wait for the big guy , ....
but helloooo, we were told some more things, a shooting with NewsX guys was to follow , ..
So did we enjoy it!!!!! , boy !! you bet , we did.
Four of us were asked to whistle for the shooting, and along came talks about our IWA, how we take whistling as something special ,of our own, and to promote it as an art like all others.
So Sumit whistled a Ghajal " Chandi jaisa Pankaj Udas Saheb", Dinesh Ji brought the romantic stuff with a song and was specially asked by the host to whistle one more, and did he oblige him??? ya, with one more melodius whisling ( and please, I don't again remember the exact songs ,he whistled, but what the heck!!!).Suresh Ji brought the vintage Raffi Saheb alive with his whistling and then Ram Ji:brought the politeness of his whistling out in front of the camera. And ofcourse we remaining Six( I, Vivek, Bharat, Nitin, Vivek, and one more (oops, sorry ,I forgot again)).... were also adding our bits and pieces here and there..... + a group song after all this :
and man!! we saw a hairy Shergil pass by us from there, who whistled from outside the room before running to recording room),, our guy had arrived......
So this was the shotting with NewX :::::I am sure , Sumit will let us know when its gonna broadcast.....Oh Dear!! will you please...?? hehe.

So now our wistling show on FM with the big guy (aka Shergil,:) ) was to follow,
He too was some what astonished after having heard about a buch of whistlers who have an association too, and also that we take it as an art..), and did we prove our point??
,ya, specially we did.....we whsitled Big Fm Jingle live on air, Kal ho na Ho ....Rabbi's song ( he alwys performs this one or the other one : Bulla ki "some thing" every where)), and + an on the spot synchro with Rabbi's Guitar:: and chap!!!! I had started to be in tandem and in flowing whsling when the times from FM guys had to signal us to carry on with other things.....and in the break, Rabbi heard Dinesh Ji and was mesmerised by his unique style of whistling making him use "Ventriloquism" for the unique style of Dinesh Ji.... .So it went well : Rabbi said " May be I could use you people, give me your cards...) and yes, we did.....

So Along came Polly!!! you have heard of this phrase before?????,
I will explian : now an Antakshari with the BIG FM RJ's was to follow with Rabbi In chair of proceedings..
I can't help myself from writing about RJ's : when we were on our way to FM Place, we had a thought about Jiah ( the RJ who was to conduct our show), she was a lively girl with a "more" lively voice, and the other RJ's : they may seem artificial at times but I think, on AIR you need that bit of extra additions in you, to entice people into hearing you : so they were all some what vociferous , but that world of their's suited their style ....

So we enjoyed the antakshri....and it was fun having it suffixed to that shooting, and the whistling on FM :
what next :: what else man ,will ya let us have some rest ?? : we had a wonderful day , one additonal coverage i.e the NewsX one)..and ya, one gift from FM family ....

Friday, May 8, 2009


In the banal affairs of life
she strolls with fun.

She is lovely in that purple suit,
oh, she is charming in those wet hair.

watch,she is sitting ,
legs crossed, eyes talking,
spring evolving.

look at the scene,
when wind plays with her hair..
don't you wish, You were at least some particle in the wind.

Talks about her lure me into her,
but distant she seems.

they will send her somewhere someday
and she will make merry that place also..
as does she, the inner corners of my heart.

While doing those classes,
laughing with masses,
she plays each part perfectly.

she is homely,
ofcourse comely,
a lovely being,
my lines' saying.
She is unknown.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The boy with the stripped pyjamas....

So the movie began with four cute kids running through streets of Nazi Germany , One of them "Bruno" stops near his home with amazed eyes,as some things are being taken out, and inside, his beautiful mother tells him that his father has got promotion, so there is going to be a party tonight before they leave for a "better" place.
The boy is not at all comfortable with the idea of shifting (he will be losing his friends, the lovely runnable streets...),but as the situation is :they have the party in night, his grandmother doesn't approve of the nazi ways, so but natural, his father asks her not to xpress her opinion in public( Hitler's germany),
So they leave next day, and the new home, in the country side is more like a packed place, where his father (who is incharge of concentration camps ) is to have meetings with fellows for "country's betterment"...
there is this,old servant"pawell"(Jew), who is working there most of the times,frightened, who one day first aids bruno, when fel, and tells him that he was a doctor, brnuo tells him that he must have been a bad doctor as now he is peeling potatoes as a servant (Pawell can just look up and smile on the innoccence)..........
So Bruno, the xplorer, some day escapes from his home and runs through the small land around his home, to reach some barriers beyond which some people are working, a small kid(named Shmoul ,of the same age as bruno:8) is just sitting behind those barricades as his contemoraries in the camps (yes, those were the concentration camps) fight a lot. So Bruno, from next day, escapes his home somehow regularly, and gets Schomul some things to eat every day, ....
One day, Bruno's mother comes to know ,whas going on in Concentration camps and she is furious over this, that night, while having dinner ,the mood overall was gloomy, and Pawell spills the wine there and is hit badly by the keeper,
and next day, Bruno finds Schmoul in his home cleaning crockeries, they are having a chat when the house keeper comes and shouts at Schomoul for stealing food (which Bruno had just given him), Schoul tells him that he was given food by Bruno, but Bruno is intimidated by the keepers voice and denies having friendship with Schmoul, Schmoul is beaten and sent back to camp.....
brubo runs straight away to his room weeps and immediately runs back to kitchen to ammend for what he had done but Schmoul is gone...
That day his father and officers are watching a movie over those camps in a closed room (Bruno is watching from the window nearby), in that movie, there is presented a version of camps to officers, in which they are told that those camps are having cafes, children do enjoy there and jews are finally learning to be good to people..
Bruno sees it,believes it and hugs his father as soon as he comes out, Bruno's mother who is near by can just smirk from a distance and returns to her room........
Next day, bruno goes back to Schmoul ,apologises, and they are friends again...Schmoul tells him tha he can't find his father for last two days, so bruno tells him that he will help him in finding his father...
Bruno returns home, and his father after having several fights with his wife, is now agree that chidren should not be around ,they should leave for some other place.....
So next day, Bruno takes with him a chisel ,digs the ground beneath those barricades ,changes his clothes with camp clothes and enters the help Schmoul find his father....they are gone some way when Bruno asks Schmoul if they could go to cafe, schmoul can't comprehend it and just says that there are no cafes there,............. just a distance further, Bruno sees those same stones around which girls were playing in that movie, but its deserted in reality............they enter a block to look for Schmoul's father.....but this is the block they are going to cremate in camp, the kids can't come out and are dragged along with those men.....
over in his home, his mother and father are now searching for Bruno as they were to leave today.......
they all run behind searching dogs,and reach the camps..........
his father runs inside,..
Bruno along with Schmoul and those men, has been cremated till now.and that chimney over whose foul smell, he used to ask his father, is now sending smoke out filled with his own..
his mother and his sister are crying along those barricades where he changed his clothes with camp clothes...........

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sweet hapennings...

one of the sweetest things that ever hapenned to me
was my home,

and one was she, it was seventh class........
then she left, without me knowing that she left....

after some time..
twelfth class hapenned ...
and looking a cute girl from back benches...
the only reason "we" went to school was she.......

then in college and around,quite a many beauties hapenned...
cricket happenned well..........
above all
hostel was there..........

n now, its

tomorrow ,it might be something else....
but sweet ,it can always be taken as.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shoe Throwings....

a woman (or a female) is yet to hurl a shoe at someone (ofcourse in public gathering where bulnt politicians are behind mike), I think, without this, they will hav one more aspect where they are lagging to men.
and I seriously don't want them to lag , least of here!!!!!

and similalry , no shoe has been thrown at a woman politician .
does that show that they are cleaner than their male counteparts..or that just reiterates their "quantity" here also? Any ways, thats a prospect worth giving notice,

the male politicians ask for the guy to be given chance to speak (after his shoe "missed" his face), any guess, what a woman politician might conjure after a shoe (hopefully missing face)at her...........

General stuff......

1.In general, a girl (mostly those ding dong type),finally gets hooked to a guy(i.e married) towards whom she wudn't even hav seen in her colg days. so blocks, we cud always smile at her final impending bed!!!!

2.marriage was invented by the social systems so that every new adding to this world will have one male and a female to attribute its origin to,otherwise u never knw, anarchy!!!!!
It stops genetically pr0pagated diseases too (they say so), it makes your hooking with other gene pools, otherwise u too might have turned into lionlike social systems!!!!!
n over the time, it brought with it emotional stuff, didn't it?

3.n y r they always like that?????

4.i m sure ,u have wondered over her boyfriend!!!!how that doggy was able to get licked by such a lass????

5.You keep waiting for her to start to talk first, ofcourse she being a girl :its tougher for her to write first, so even when you yield some time in future, all you will b able to accomplish is "hiya,i m fine n sort of stuff" why the heck you shud talk at all??? So just cheers and be content, n smile, keeping in mind 1st point.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


When I sip the tea
I can feel the bitter ness
as I crave for ur ultimate sweetness......

When I walk down the lanes
I can feel the tiredness
coz I yearn for the serininty of ur lap.....

When I m delivering speeches
I can feel the heat
as ur healing touch wil be there sum time......

When i m writin mails
words never fell short
as inspiration is always there.....

When the going gets tough
Feet seldom stop
as the value of the ultimate goal outweighs what lies in front......

U hav visited me many times
but still ,i can't figure u out
as u come n leave in dreams..which r obsolete.........

I talk about u wid the loved ones
As treaures are there to be preserved
n not to flounder.....

I hav looked for u elsewhere
but all tht was farce
so it seems.............

I m pervert a many times
but ablution always appears
as ur hope readily polls tht......

u may b the position i think of ,
u may b the gal ,i cud dream of ,
u may just b that zephyr :: serene in its entirety ,
u may well b the fulfilling of hopes, i m expected of ,
but , u r beautiful as i see u
u r calm as i listen u
u r eloquent as i imagine u
u r magical ,as i feel u
u r complete as i pursue u .


A time was there
when food won't go down the throat , thinking of someone.
A time was there
when time will pass through the time, thinking of someone.

Little presents were bought to be given ,
Big poems were written to be felt ,
Anonymous strides were taken to walk into her some moment.
Opprtunities were made to see her.

And then , the definiton of "her" changed,
She was searched down in past,
She was searched on those railings of school,
In those classes, those grounds of school.

She some times appeared to be the girl ,
having next seat in a train...
She came some time in the flashes of some mail,
She some times appeared to be the girl with good denim and bod.

Dreams have her with no face,
She talks with some known voice,
She smiles with those seen lips,
and she disappears with no known trace.

I keep feeding my aspirations,
Sorting through the likings, I have had:
I still can't draw her.

For Federer

Long have I cherished him,
I was still a kid ,when he jumped complete court of his side..
rattling the guy in front of him with that forehand.

He struggled against the new blocks at last.
but still won the 14th one , oh, he was the great Sampras.
and i wished, it was never broken .

but the not so new guy now,
appeared some where then
I have enjoyed seeing him increase the count,
Getting into greats,

But have always prayed, he never breaks that 14th Barrier...

but now I watched him for long..
Oh he too belongs there.
the great Federer.
Maintaining the calm, and the strong arms

He loses here and there
and emerges more than ever :look at him.

an urge from a guy.....

First of all, these few lines may seem odd to you.
So I need to tell you the context , before you people read it :
So it goes as : In the recently released movie DevD, our hero asks his girlfriend for her nude photo , and the girl yields.
But the lines ,I have written are about, a guy asking his girlfriend for the same, and the girl along with being heart broken , is furious also at how could he even think of asking so ?
But the guy !!!!!, he is explaining his intentions through these lines, as he still doesn't think, if he asked wrong.
As always , comments are most welcome .
Here it goes :

I Know , I have hurt you,
But don't you see,
I gathered courage enough to ask you .
that was the freeness ,Love brings along.

and won't you appreciate ,
you being the first girl , I asked so .

Intentions may seem lachy at first ,
but would you not like :
me telling you : How you look without clothes ,
from my eyes .

The soft woman inside you
may bar you at first from doing so
but the loving woman :
Won't she want a caress through words of whom she loves. .

The body , which she has nurtured for long,
won't she want ,me telling her : how well has she done that ?

Won't she await ,
how the movements of my eyes describe ,
her tender parts ?

those were the motives .
lachy , you called them .
But heartfelt , they were .
hope, you understand now."

Hostel trip :::for a while..

So it started in a bus from Saray kaale Khan : the bus was nt a gud one...the seats sucked..........but i was able to start a conversation wid conductor uncle (who was sitting on a seat beaide me wen he was nt collecting)..ofcourse, what he talked were trifling thngs frm his life...but nevertheless, i enjoyed it ...he too he too got a companion to see another night thru........
So at 2 PM , i was in jaipur, my frnd (and the junior) Vipul had come there.....
So after that, we went staright to our college.....: went to Thadi, ate maggi there, n"chais.." ..n returned to hostel...
we chatted in the hostel.....for quite a time, it was around 4 AM in the morning......n sehwag had started bludgeoning Kiwi bowling, so we went straight to our hostel's common room n saw the match till Sehwag was didn' take more than half an hour.....
so i slept at around 5 am, Vipul asked me to giv a miss call when i wake up.......
So i woke up at 7 am :: got ready by 8 am , n woke him up.......

so after breakfast(pastry n patties) ..........i n he left for Janta Colony ( i had lived there from 1989-1995)....we went my then school : Adarsh Vidya Mandir , Janta Colony....took some pics there............have posted two of them on orkut also...........

So after returning to hostel, we took our lunch n guess, what was it : Dal Baaati Choorma ( as it was ram Nawami)...:)..
after that we went for a movie , then the night we spent roming in RajaPark : .......was to do sum shopping but those shops were close that day (gud enuf : saved quite a money..).......In rajapark : we ate PaneerTikka at a famous place, drnak Gopi's lassi..went to Annu Pan Corner (quite famous).n ofocurse were previliged enuf to see sum beauties passing on roads.........:)))

next day(i.e saturday) ::: in the very morning ,i went to visit two of ,my uncles living in jaipur.its always a pleasure goin there......
one uncle ,Mr.Jagdish Prasad is principal of Maths Depy, Raj .University, he had been my father's friend, senior, n mentor for PhD....he has seen me growing frm the time i was quite small.........i call him Boss Uncle........
the other uncle :Mr.Anil Bhardwaj : is a lecturer of statistics in Raj.Univ.........BossUncle's student..,my father's junior,student n frnd....uncle n aunt r always a treat to talk wid..............

after returning frm there ( i was alone as Vipul was busy sumwhere doin the kind of thngs which only hostel guys can accomplish : i will xplain it sum time later)........
i was to meet one of my frnds from jodhpur,Priyanka, who is doin MCA from MBM ,engg colg.....n is in jaipur for her final sem trainig..the time was to be aroud 3PM........n in the evening from 5-5:30 PM , i was to meet, another of my frnds:Bhawana.......who is doin MBA frm Jaipur itself........
So i called my Junior :Chatgal (Sumeet Chatgal : frm jammu, a too handsome guy : n a very good person)).for his bike.......(as Vipul was stil lost sumwhere in his phone picking still)....
He said: "Boss,koi le gaya hai abhi, aate hi bataata hun" . ..n u see, he came to my room at 3:30 to giv me the key.himself.........
so because, i cud nt have bike at time , Priyanka meeting was cancelled.....
nw , it was Bhawana whom i was to meet at 5Pm :
it was 3:30 Pm, so i went to JKK (jawahar KAla Kendra: one of fav coffee place)......ate cheese omlet there (its too delicious, try it wen u can).n ofcourse the tea.........wen i got a msg frm Bhawana tht she is stuck sumwhere......n won't be able to make it.......
So nw we cum to a point : after which i did sumthng , which made my trip all the more memorable ; keep readin on.....


So the thng has its origin in my childhood...

back in fifth class, i had a very good friend Neha(varshneya).....til the turn ,i took for my home (after school was done 4 the day) , i n she were fighting all the way....main uski choti kheench ke bhaag jata tha, n then she would chase me n hit me.....n this all process would make that 100 metres road take around 30 mins of our time.........but boy!!! don't i miss them ..............
her home was sumwhere on tht road, n mine was sum distance frm there...........n we had never bin to each other's home even once....
after leaving Jaipur,that year, we were never in contact....but that cute,little smiling girl in her blue skirt and white shirt was always there in my memories....
So wen my college life started (Jaipur i.e.),in second yr : i started looking for her existence on net :::i tried orkut, googled her name :with no success.....
but frm a frnd of mine, i got to knw her college (she has done her BDS degree recently ) on orkut i found a girl from her college : n i was able to ask that girl for some help on this :: she promised tht she will but after sum scraps :she disappeared...
once i tried , the moderator of that community (on orkut:of her college)..but that so called moderator didn't even bother to write once....
i got her college's number from its site :but they too were of no these efforts were fruitless..........n add to that , my complacency ,tht inspite of having a rough idea of her home, i never went around n searched...
so wen my colg was about to end : meeting her was on top priority :but in my last days , i got stuck in sum real tough scene...n had to leave Jaipur without meeting my childhood friend on my "ToDo"agenda ; this task was marked as pending.........

nw back to present day (this saturday in Jaipur)..........i was nt able to look for her on friday as Vipul was wid me , n while sitting in JKK,wen i got msg from Bhawana that she won't be able to make it : i knew,this is the calling to finish that pending task.........
i had a good bike,n ya preetty good spirit to accomplsh it...........
so i went Janta Colony , n my first shot at a "Varshneya's residence" hit right :-> it was her home...........
i rang the bell, aunt came out......and along with her :a feeble Neha........
i introduced my self.........n i was readily taken in........:Beta andar chalo......"

Sum lines bout her mother wud do good to xplain her(Neha's) present state of mind :
her mother : a typical woman : who gets to hear thngs bout all of neha's sum time competitors frm sumwhere (n ofcourse the news wid her r quite altered frm reality as they pass thru similar persons like her b4 reaching her ears...)so she asked me
"beta,maine suna tumahri achhi job lagi hai..."
I : haan aunt....
She : beta , suna hai tum itna kama rahe ho.....(the sum she said was almost double of wht i do)
I : nahin aunt, aisa to nahin hai........i don't earn this much....(n neha was havin her head down, listening to this typical conversation)..
She : fir beta koi aur hoga, maine suna to hai.......(n frm her talks after that , i was able to decipher her source of info..
but i tell u ,no1 in our batch is earning tht much,,,,.........hehe)

so wen her mother went to bring sum eatables, n tea : i got sum time to talk wid my old buddy ::

I : Neha, u luk feeble....kya hua....
Neha :are yaar, MDS ka paper hone ko hai , n there is only 1 general seat in rajasthan for general candidates (n she told me tht she went twice thru this agony of ,resrevation n much less deserving candidates than her getting what she desreved in RPMT : once in 12th n once after tht)............(but she is current university topper in medical papers :results r common al over rajasthan for all medical colgs :::::::my intelligent frnd....) ,she was about to wake up wen i had rung, n it was again study time for her.......she has been studying 18hours a day........
I : don't u hav any hobbies........
Neha :(pointing to her books lying near by)....they r. right nw my hobbies.........
i : Okay, b4 u started preparing for MDS ??
Neha : yaar, my colg life has been a waste: just studies.......
I : Neha, i knw, i m quite a complacent guy, not a hard worker. ..but don't u think, u r xhausting urself too much...n the environment around u , ur mother talks nothing other than jobs, u too engrossed in studies all time....
Neha : yaar, abhi teri job nahin hoti to tu bhi tension le raha hota....
I: pata nhain yaar...may be...(i was just smiling , n readin her eyes n her)....Neha, i hav always remembered u as tht cute ,little gal ,we used to fight a lot....don't u remember tht.......
Neha : Mujhe sab yaad hai bharat .........tumahre kaaran teacher log claas main bhi kahte rahte the ki "in B section, bharat answers every thng..u people don't answer at all.." ..we used to do masti a lot....
I : are, bachpan se hi aisi ho kya.....
neha : ladkiyan aisi hi hoti hain.........
I : yaar, i never studieed much......just regular one....n may be, i thnk , thtts reason of me not getting wht people with too much hard work do get, but thts the way it is.......
neha: at least u r settled........
I : i don't cal it settleed........i wanna teach literature sum day.........
Neha : u leave at least this thought......
(we both laughin )
I : ya, i knw , thts a wild thought...........wild it is.......okay tel me , Shaddi n all??
Neha: yaar, abhi 2-3 saal bilkul nahin, ek baar ho gayi to ,i m sure, 4-5 ghante se jyada nahin padh paungi........
( n tht time, it stuck me in tht even after applyin herself too much, after 18 hours a day, she is willing to folow tht traditional indian woman role.......i felt sinking for her...n i cud just smile in fornt of her) ......wht bout u ??
I : not before 4-5 yrs..........
Neha : Bharat ??????
i : hehe...........
Neha : papa too undstnds tht i need 2-3 yrs, + bhaiya ka support bhi achha hai.(her brother too was a intelligent guy frm our school...he was in 10th wen we were in 4th...he is at a good position in Banglore wid a good company).........( i felt good about it)
I : Do u remeber ,we went together for a competioin to Ajmer , sorry Alwar......
Neha: (again with those deep eyes n deep voice) bharat, mujhe sab yaad hai.............

Apart from these chats, we had chats bout our other class mates ( n yes, her mother had sum info about every1. no need to say, dispersed info ,she again had !!!)
It was time for me to leave....
She came out to see me off............
She said : jaipur aao to jarror batana ( we had xchanged numbers)
i said: Delhi nahin aaogi ??
She smiled.........hehe.
n i left..........

al the time while talkin to her, i was lukin thru my old frnd ,n i got to knw,where that smile had elapsed.......n all i cud wish was : she get wht she wishes, sum day........n she surely deserves it.......

there is more to follow from this jrny ::one more memorable meeting......
Keep reading...........


So after meeting Neha, i went to meet two more friends living nearby, one is Shailendra Singh (Manu, we used to call him : manu bhai motor chali pom pom pom) (Whie playing in recess n running, he used to sit n piss in his necker....hehe) : child hood memories.....
he was not at home, but aunt recokned me, and a chai followed along with yahan wahan ki baatein.....
then I went to another of frnds: Madhu , she is neha's classmate ( n coz , Neha had told me tht Madhu lives nearby : i had to go wud have been odd if i had missed goin to her home after cumin so close, n specially after meeting Neha..)but she too wasn't at home .............i met aunt..n said bye.without anymore chais......(already had two,n cud nt accept another..)..
nw i was to leave for my hostel, but on my way, while nearing my old school, there is a home :quite a big one, in which lives my that time teacher, Mrs.Mira Shastri,she was like a school time parent to me, she doted on me very even after crossing her home, i went back : n parked my bike in front of her home with the key still in (in case, she doesn't reckon me: i was to take her blessings, n cum back)........
so a young lad was cumin out :
i asked "mira mam yahan rahte hain..."
he said " woh jo padhaate hain.."
i said "yes.." " i m bharat kherwa. i was her student once, kindly ask her to cum out as i m sure she won't reckon me.."
the guy smiled :: n called her out.........
She came out : same composure, those lovely eyes, n tht glowing face....
i touched her feet, intoduced my self...............n u see, i had uttered my name only ,n she completed it with "Ram Kherwa" she rememberd me.........
She asked me in............
we sat for a while, i told her that i had been with old frnds just nw, Neha n Madhu live near by so she told tht ,"ya they keep meeting.."...
she was happy to know wht i m doin........
she said " beta, i have seen it, hindi medium guys r more responsible and they connect well...."
(i cud nt completely agrree, but i cud listen..).......
She had left our school in 1994, n then joined an english medium school where she has been teaching for last 15 yrs........
So she was able to tell that line of diffrences......
the guy who called her when i asked was her son....he is doin engg frm sum colg in jaipur in IT we had a talk bout, what he cud do, n hw times r goin on .....
she was elated to have me there, n after so much of insistence, i said"ok, half a cup tea...not more than this".........
i told her, that i used to write poems in Hindi wen in school , n nw i write in english too...........she cud nt be more happy.......
then sumhw ,talks came over 'drinking" n i said "mam I do, but i started it telling my family b4 i started."...n general banters........
i gave her my card, in case ,her son needs to knw sum thng........
she came to see me offf...........n then a very genuine "parently" question :::::"whose bike is this(as i had told her ,i m putting up in hostel)"...
I said"mam, hostel main koi pata nahin hota...." n i told her tht i don't even knw,whose helmet , i m havin...........we laughed........
i touched her feet again while leavin..........
i had taken her number n told her tht save my number only wen i call u ...........(n yes, i called after reachin delhi)........

then i reahed hostel.........a three hour session wid juniors in the hostel ensued..........guitar playin, yahan wahan ki baatein........they told me "boss is baar ladkiyan mast aayi hain...........they told this time its around 220 , (in my batch there were :48 gals...maximum tullu,pullu...gultis..)...n they told me : gls do have beauty too....!!! envious me.............hehe

then i n Vipul left arond 10pm, had food outside....n i took bus back for Delhi.........

my hostel

thats it.